Keep Calm and Report It
Yes, a good many of us are very good at complaining about potholes, damaged pavements, poor road signs, fly tipping, badly maintained hedges and grass areas, weeds, not enough and overflowing bins, dog waste, etc., etc., etc.
Problem is; most of us complain to each other and rarely to the correct authorities.
Why? Well we have many and varied excuses such as "They never listen", "It won't get done", "It's a waste of time", "I don't know who to report it to", "I don't have the time" and the excuses go on and on and on ....
No doubt some of you will still have excuses but if a problem is not reported, to the correct authorities, how do you expect them to fix it?
Did you know; the more people that report a problem the quicker it is more likely to get sorted?
Hopefully this website will help in making it easier to report our parish and surrounding areas environmental and maintenance problems.
Ogwell is a beautiful parish to live in - Let's keep it that way!
So .......